vpn geeksoogle

Whenever we want to unblock a website, we think of a VPN or Virtual Private Network. And, for the most part, VPN is known as a means of using the internet for free. But this is not true. The full name of a VPN is “Virtual Private Network” and it means completely different.

In general, those who know what VPN means, use it to access some blocked websites. There are many websites on the internet that are blocked or blocked in certain countries or places. And, people can access these blocked websites through this VPN and use them.

Moreover, just as the number of internet users is increasing day by day in today’s internet and online world, the number of deadly hackers stealing your personal data or privacy details through the internet is also increasing.
In this case, VPN is also widely used to fully protect your online privacy and data.

In fact, using a VPN hides where you are using the Internet. And, instead, the network of another country or location is shown.

In this way, online hackers cannot hack your network as they cannot find the real location of your network. So, remember, it is very important to use a VPN to stay safe in today’s internet world.

And so, in this article, I will explain to you well, what is “VPN”, what is the function and use of VPN and what are some of its benefits. Simply put, you will find complete information and knowledge about the VPN here

What is Virtual Private Network ?

A VPN or Virtual private network is a means of a secure encrypted connection that we can use to securely connect any device to the network through the Internet.

VPN or virtual private network adds more security and privacy to the internet connection you use, securing any public network, private network, open wifi hotspot connection.

In this way, online hackers and data sealers can save themselves and their devices and network.

Today, the use of a VPN is increasing day by day. Because today is the age of the internet, and we do an online payment, online transaction, personal information sharing, and many other things on the internet so that a hacker or data thief can easily steal them.

Through VPN, the IP address of your computer or mobile using the Internet can be different, and the IP address of a different place or country also be different. As a result, it becomes impossible to find out where you are using the Internet.

You can save any country or city as your own by using a paid or premium “virtual private network” service.

For example, if I select New York in my virtual private network settings, people will see my current location as “New York” even though I’m using the Internet from India.

So, do you understand what “VPN” or “VPN’s job” is? Let us now know some of the benefits and advantages of a VPN.

Advantages and Disadvantages of VPN?

Below I will tell you one by one why you should use a VPN or what you will gain by using VPN.

  • When we use the Internet through a VPN service, all your personal data will be protected. As a result, attackers or scammer stay away from several important data and information.
  • By using a VPN, we can hide our online identity. That is, it is possible to hide the place or country from which you are using the Internet. However, the company that is using the VPN service, they must know your real IP address and location.
  • Using VPN we can use any blocked website or app on our mobile and computer. Most people use a free VPN to access various blocked websites.
  • You can easily change the IP address of your network, to the IP address of another country.
  • Some premium VPN can increase your internet speed. However, some free VPNs can also reduce your internet speed.
  • So, if it said, “What are the benefits of VPN”, then these are some of the best benefits of a VPN. However, if you are thinking of using a VPN for some bad purpose, never make this mistake.

Because the police or law enforcers can easily get your real IP address from a VPN company.

So, just use a VPN to protect your internet connection from hackers and data and privacy thieves.


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